e-invoicing E-インボイス



Executive Guide                              







国連CEFACTでは、複数の関係者、複数種類の商品をカバーする最大限のデータセットを持つインボイスとして、クロスインダストリーインボイス(業界横断請求書、略してCII)を開発した。国連CEFACT CIIの全データが常に必要になることは考えにくい。ほとんどの場合、CIIのサブセットとして使用されることになる。すべての潜在的な情報を含む標準モデルを作成することにより、関係者はいかなるバージョンのインボイスであっても識別・特定することが容易になる。


国連CEFACT CIIは、"Cross-Industry family of deliverables "と呼ばれるサプライチェーンの手続きにおけるメッセージ群の一部である。これらはすべて最大データセットの原則に基づき、サプライチェーン・リファレンス・データモデル(RDM)に統合され、互いに完全に相互運用が可能である。これらは、CI-Cataloguing Process(カタログ化プロセス)、CI-Ordering Process(発注プロセス)、CI-Quotation(見積)、CI-Delivery Process(配送プロセス)、CI-Remittance Advice(送金プロセス)などである。




Creating a paperless environment for trade must address the need for an electronic version of an invoice. But how to create a standard to dematerialize an invoice? There are multiple sectors that use invoices as part of their core sources of information, from the commercial business transaction, transport, customs clearance, fiscal declarations, banking, insurance, etc. Depending on the type of commodity being traded, different types of information must be present on the invoice; an invoice for automobile parts will be very different from an invoice for milk products, and these will both be different from an invoice for transport services. 


UN/CEFACT has developed a maximum data-set invoice which covers multiple sectors and multiple types of commodities called a cross-industry invoice (or CII for short). It is unlikely that all the data in the UN/CEFACT CII will be necessary all the time. Most usages will be a subset of the full CII. By creating a standard model with all the potential information, it is easier for parties to identify any possible version of an invoice. 



The UN/CEFACT CII is part of a group of messages in supply chain procedures called the “Cross-Industry family of deliverables.” These are all based on the principle of a maximum data set, are integrated into the Supply Chain Reference Data Model, and are fully interoperable with each other. These include the CI-Cataloguing Process, CI-Ordering Process, CI-Quotation, CI-Delivery Process, CI-Remittance Advice, etc. 



<eInvoicing is not only cost-effective, but it also has social benefits: a reduction of 10 billion paper invoices annually in the US could save over one million trees and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 360 tons>



<指令2014/55/EU/UN/CEFACT CIIは、EU内の公共調達のための2つの義務的な規格のうちの1つに選定されている>


国連CEFACT CIIは、あらゆる関係者、あらゆる商品に対して使用することができる。コアコンポーネントライブラリ(CCL:国連CEFACT共通辞書)の基本原則を使用しているため、国連CEFACTのすべての成果物のみならず、WCOデータモデル、IATAのCargo-XML等とのセマンティックな互換性を持っている。



国連CEFACT CIIは2016年、欧州連合(EU)内で公共調達のための2つの義務的な標準の1つに選ばれた。これは、EU内のすべての公共機関が、どんなに小規模でも、この規格の電子インボイスの受付けが義務付けられることを意味する。将来的には、電子インボイスを唯一の受付手段にすることが目的である。







国連CEFACT CIIは、無料で利用でき、すべての活動セクターと潜在的なすべての種類の商品をカバーしているため、国際貿易取引関係者にとって特に有益なものである。さらに、欧州連合内の全ての公共調達のための公式規格として選定おり、関心が高まっている。







<Under Directive 2014/55/EU/UN/CEFACT CII is chosen as one of two obligatory standards within the EU for public procurement>


The UN/CEFACT CII can be used in any sector, for any commodity. It uses the base principles of the Core Component Library, which makes it semantically compatible with all UN/CEFACT work as well as that of the World Customs Organization Data Model and the International Air Transport Association’s Cargo-XML, to name just a few. 


The UN/CEFACT CII was chosen in 2016 as one of two obligatory standards within the European Union (EU) for public procurement. This means that every public agency within the EU, however small, will be obliged to accept this standard for electronic invoicing. The objective is to make e-invoicing the only means of accepting invoices in the future. 



Using a standard allows sender and receiver to understand all the data content in the same way, unambiguously. As an invoice is potentially reused for multiple operations (sale, transport, clearance, fiscality, remittance, insurance), many actors will play the role of receiver (very often in different economies) making it important to use an international standard with clear semantic definitions. 


The UN/CEFACT CII is particularly beneficial to the international trading community as it is available free of charge and it covers all sectors of activity and all potential types of commodities. It is further of interest as it has been chosen as an official standard for all procurement within the European Union. 


<More than 50 countries around the world are pushing eInvoicing and other paperless processes>




詳細情報 More information 

The UN/CEFACT Cross Industry Invoice is available free of charge on the UN/CEFACT web site: 

• Cross Industry Invoice Business Requirement Specification: 



*The present work is an unofficial and provisional translation for which the publisher (JASTPRO) accepts full responsibility.