ccl ( core compoment library ) コア構成要素 国連CEFACT共通辞書 コアコンポーネント



Executive Guide                              

 Core Components 








情報が非常に「フラット」な形で(つまり、すべての構成要素(情報)が同じレベルにある状態で)表示される場合、混乱や冗長性が生じる可能性がある。例えば、「都市名」というデータコンポーネントがあった場合、目的地の住所の都市名なのか、遠征先の都市名なのか、あるいはフレイトフォワーダーの住所の都市名なのか等々。どのインスタンス(事例)を指すのかを知りたいのであれば、「都市名」をそれぞれの使用時に限定するのも一つの選択肢である。しかし、これを住所の各コンポーネントごとに行うと、冗長なデータが必要となる。一方、「都市名」のような「基本コアコンポーネント」が 「住所」のような集約コアコンポーネントで使用され、「出荷先」のようなビジネスコンテキスト(現実のビジネスの実態)で使用される場合、「出荷先」で使用される「都市名」その他のすべての基本コアコンポーネントは個々に限定する必要はない。




このことは、基本コンポーネント、集約コンポーネント、ビジネスコンテキスト内のコンポーネントを作成するための厳格な方法論が必要とする。この方法論は、言語の文法規則に例えることができ、これにより言語の話者が互いに理解しあうことができる。CCLの場合、この方法論はCCTS(United Nations Core Components Technical Specification)と呼ばれている。CCTSの仕様はCCLの作成とメンテナンスに役立つだけでなく、データコンテンツを供給し、CCLからのデータ定義を使用してアプリケーションを設計するビジネスアナリストやビジネスユーザー、情報技術専門家も使用することができる。



In a paper document, information can be presented in free text. However, in official forms or common business documents, information is typically presented in structured boxes, which require the entry of specific information related to parties, places, transport or goods details, etc.


Within an electronic message, the majority of information is structured in order to provide specific, identifiable information that can be interpreted correctly by automated systems. In order for this to work, both the receiving and sending parties need to use the same semantics (or basic meaning) for each component of data. To provide these common semantic definitions, the United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT) has developed the United Nations Core Component Library (UN/CCL). 


If information is presented in a very “flat” manner (i.e. with all components being on an equal level), this may create confusion or redundancy. For example, if we have a data component called “City Name”, do we mean the city name of the destination address, or that of the expedition address, or perhaps that of the freight forwarder, etc.? If we want to know which instance is being referred to, then one option is to qualify “City Name” each time it is used. If this is done for every component of an address, redundant data is required. On the other hand, if the “basic core component” of “City Name” is used in an aggregate core component such as “address” and is used in a business context such as “shipping destination”, then “City Name” and all of the other basic core components used in “Shipping Destination” do not have to be individually qualified. 


In order to make the UN/CCL more workable, the information is grouped into logical aggregations and/or it is associated with its business context. This enables a more flexible maintenance as the majority of concepts are expressed in aggregate core components that are built using a smaller number of basic core components (like building blocks) or by associating a core component with a business context. Each change to a basic core component will be inherited in all of its uses. For example, if the base component “City Name” is changed, then it will be changed in all types of “addresses” that include “City Name” and in all of the business contexts that use “City Name”. 


This requires a strict methodology for creating the base components: the aggregated components, and the components within business contexts. This methodology can be compared to the rules of grammar for a language, which allow language speakers to understand one another. For the UN/CCL, this methodology is called the United Nations Core Components Technical Specification (UN/CCTS). The specifications in the UN/CCTS are not only useful for creating and maintaining the UN/CCL, they can also be used by business analysts, business users and information technology specialists who supply data content and who design applications that use the data definitions from the UN/CCL.








UN/Core Component Library (CCL)は、次の理由で世界的に有益なものとなっている。

- プロセス、法令規制、新分野の変化に対応できるよう、継続的にメンテナンスを行っていること。

- 利用者が増えているため、専門家の知識が世界的に広く蓄積されていること。

- 無料で利用できるため、手頃な価格のソフトウェアツールの開発を支援していること。



UN/CEFACT uses the UN/CCTS to develop the UN/CCL. The UN/CCL is used by UN/CEFACT to develop reference data models and business messages. The business messages developed by UN/CEFACT using the UN/CCL are currently in the XML syntax. These UN/CEFACT messages focus primarily on improving the exchange of trade data information among governments, government agencies, industries and private companies. At the same time, the UN/CCL can be used in other syntaxes and data formats because the core components have been specifically designed to be syntax neutral.



The UN/CCTS provides a methodology for identifying and capturing business information in a standardized way that allows its maximum re-use while supporting and enhancing information interoperability across multiple business situations. The UN/CCTS specification focuses both on human-readable and machine-processable representations of this information.

The Core Components approach described in the UN/CCTS is more flexible than current standards in this area because the semantic standardization is done in a syntax neutral fashion. The UN/CCTS enables UN/CEFACT to develop the UN/CCL.


The UN/Core Component Library (UN/CCL) is of global benefit since: 

• It is continually being maintained to ensure that it is adapted to changes in processes, regulations and new areas; 

• The increasing number of users ensures a wide pool of experts’ knowledge globally, 

• Its free availability supports the development of affordable software tools. 


詳細情報 More Information

The UN/CCTS and UN/CCL are available free of charge on the UN/CEFACT web site: 

• Core Component Library: 

• Core Component Technical Specification: 





*The present work is an unofficial and provisional translation for which the publisher (JASTPRO) accepts full responsibility.